
Podcasting! ICU High School Radio News
About ICU High School Radio News
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Podcasting is an exciting, new technology that allows anyone (including ICUHS students!) to create and broadcast radio programs over the internet, reaching a potential audience of millions. For listeners, podcasts are convenient because programs can be downloaded and enjoyed at any time-on your computer or on your mp3 player. Already there are thousands of podcasts available on the internet produced by amateurs as well as established media companies such as CNN and the BBC.
Realizing the potential of this new medium, the 3rd year Media Studies class is now broadcasting the voices and talents of ICUHS to the world.
この新たな情報メディアの可能性を実感し、現在3年Media Studiesの授業ではICU高校の「タレント(才人たち)」そして「声」を世界中に届けています。
Students write, edit and produce monthly podcasts on a wide variety of topics: news, talk, sports, entertainment- -even university information. The producers of the podcasts work hard to capture the dynamic culture of ICUHS by involving students, clubs, teachers and graduates.
The podcasts are produced in ICUHS’ own radio studio. The room is equipped with two Shure SM38 mikes, a 4-track mixer, a keyboard and a computer on which the students record and edit their programs. Podcasts are recorded live in the studio and the mp3 files are uploaded to a blog where the podcasts can be listened to and downloaded.
PodcastsはICU高校自慢のラジオ・スタジオで作成されます。スタジオにはShure SM38マイク、4-track mixer、そして番組を録音・編集する為のコンピューターが装備されています。Podcastsはスタジオでライブ録音され、番組を聞いたりダウンロードできるようにmp3filesに変換されてブログにアップロードされます。
Featuring the voices, talents and music of ICUHS students, ICU High School Radio News aims to reach the ICU community and beyond with entertaining, professional programs.
ICUHS Radio Newsは生徒の声、才能や音楽を通してICU高校コミュニティー、そして更に多くの人へ楽しく、質的にも技術的にも高度ななプログラムを届けることを目標としています。 是非、視聴してみてください。
To listen, Check out http://globecinema.blogspot.com