School Life



授業の様子1 授業の様子2

Freedom to express yourself & discover new worlds.

ICU High School is home to a diverse and dynamic group of students: from returnees who have lived most of their life overseas to students who have never set foot outside Japan. To reflect and serve this level of diversity, ICUHS offers a rigorous and challenging English program through which students can learn in a variety of contexts: essays, discussions, presentations, debates, research papers, radio drama and more.



English classes are divided into four levels. Upon entering ICU High School, students take a placement test to assess their English ability so that they can be placed in a class where they can study at the appropriate level.


Students in Levels 1-3 study both Literature and Grammar. Grammar classes are taught in Japanese and aim to provide a solid basis for English study at all levels. Literature classes are taught solely in English and give the students an opportunity to read, discuss, analyze and write about a wide variety of works from different cultures and time periods. Emphasis is placed on enhancing reading and critical thinking skills and acquiring a college-level vocabulary.

レベル1から3の生徒は「英文学」と「英文法」を学びます。 「英文法」の授業の指導言語は主に日本語です。各レベルで英語文法の基礎をしっかり学びます。 「英文学」の授業は英語で行われます。さまざまな文化圏や時代に書かれた作品を読み、分析し、評論を書いたり、クラスで討論をします。批判的な思考力、読解力、海外の大学相当の語彙力を習得することを目標にしています。

Students in Level 4 study both ESL and Grammar/Reader. Grammar is as above, while Reader focuses more on skills such as translation. ESL is taught solely in English and introduces students to essay writing, as well as developing their reading skills through graded readers. Speaking is emphasized, with class discussions and an intra-mural speech contest, while listening is cultivated through A/V materials.

レベル4の生徒はESL(English as a Second Language「外国語としての英語」)と「英文法・読本」を学びます。「英文法」の内容は上記と同様ですが、「読本」の授業では翻訳などの能力を高めることに重点が置かれます。ESLの授業は英語のみで行われ、ライティング(論文の書き方の初歩)や難易度別読本を用いた読解力の向上を目指しています。また授業中のディスカッションや校内スピーチコンテストを通してスピーキングを強化し、AV教材(Audio and Visual)を用いてリスニングの訓練をします。


3rd Year students are able to choose from a range of electives classes such as College Reading, Discussions in Current Affairs and Critical Thinking, which help prepare them for study at the university level. They can also take courses such as Film or Media Studies, which give students a chance to discover areas outside the regular curriculum. Students can take Paragraph Reading and Grammar to help them prepare for university entrance examinations. Returnees from Europe or Latin America can maintain their advanced level language skills by taking Advanced German, Spanish, French and Chinese. 2nd year students can take Basic German, Spanish, French or Chinese.

3年生は、いくつかの選択科目の中から自分に合った英語の授業を履修することができます。大学レベルに対応できるCollege Reading、Discussions、Critical Thinking、さらにDebate, FilmやMedia Studiesなど特色のある授業があります。大学入試のための「英文法演習」や「長文読解」を選択することもできます。 英語以外の外国語には、フランス語、ドイツ語、スペイン語、中国語があります。全学年に設けられる上級クラスは帰国生向けで、高度な内容となっています。フランス語、ドイツ語、スペイン語、中国語の基礎クラスは2年生で選択できます。

AP English Literature and Composition at ICU High School

School Policy

ICU High School has been given authorization by the College Board to offer AP English Literature and Composition as one of its English courses. The course began in April 2016.

AP English Literature and Composition at ICU High School is an elective course and is open to students from English Levels 1-2. It is held 5 hours per week during the 2nd Year and is conducted entirely in English.

Students electing to take AP English Literature and Composition have to take the full course, i.e. from April to March. The course is not open to students who enroll or return from a year abroad in September of the 2nd Year.

Visiting (or exchange) students are not eligible to take the course.

Being admitted on to the course depends on the student’s performance in the English classes in the 1st Year. The final decision about admitting a student on to the course is made by the teachers in the Foreign Languages Department.

If AP English Literature and Composition proves too challenging for any students, they will be moved to a more suitable course from the beginning of Term 2. However, the decision to move a student out of the course can only be made by the AP teacher (in consultation with the other teachers in the Foreign Languages Department).

The course grade is based on ALL the work students do during the term - homework, in-class writing and quizzes, mid-term and final exams. Class participation is also important. The AP English Literature and Composition grade will be shown on the student’s transcript.

The College Board’s AP English Literature and Composition exam, which is held every year in May, is offered as an option. ICUHS students take it in the 3rd Year. The exam score has no bearing on the student’s school grades.

A good grade in an AP course helps students get admitted into universities in the U.S., and a high score in an AP exam can earn a student credits when he/she gets into university in the U.S. The AP is also recognized by universities in other countries.

Please note that AP English Literature and Composition is not only for students who wish to go to university abroad - it is for ANY students from Levels 1-2 who enjoy reading in English and who want to develop their academic skills using English.



What strikes me about the students at ICUHS is their warmth and friendliness. For me, as a teacher, walking into a classroom at the beginning of a lesson is always a good experience.


ICUHS students are Renaissance people. Everyone is always busy thinking, writing, singing, dancing and playing music. The academic and artistic energy at ICUHS is really impressive!



Because classes are divided into different levels, you can study at your own pace. It is easier to improve your strengths and weaknesses since you work with people who are like you.


I have the freedom of speaking English whenever I want. At this school, you don’t have to be afraid of being who you are. Everyone expresses their individuality freely. You can always think outside the box.
