夏の活動:Student Global Leadership Institute@Honolulu
During the summer, Akari, Ayaji and I went to a program called Student Global Leadership Institute, held at Punahou School, in Honolulu, Hawaii. During the two weeks in Hawaii, we participated in activities such as workshops, discussions, and field trips. The activities really made us think in-depth, from many aspects about the problems our global community faces regarding "Food", which is SGLI's theme of 2013. I learned that there are numerous factors that contribute to these problems that make them very complicated. For example, enough food is produced worldwide to feed all the people in the world. However, there are many more factors including lack of infrastructure such as markets and transportation routes, high prices caused, and inefficiency in markets.
Apart from the topic of "Food", being in the international environment of students from all over the world was one of the best parts of the program. I really felt communication's importance; when each person with differing backgrounds brings his/her own color to the table, the result is far more diverse and rich. And in order to do that, we need to listen to others' opinions, compromise with each other, and come up with a consensus. The two weeks we spent in Hawaii made me realize that I am a member of the global community. I want to keep in touch with the people I met, and hopefully meet them in the future.
今年の夏休み中に、私とあかりと彩路はStudent Global Leadership InstituteというハワイのホノルルにあるPunahou Schoolで行われたプログラムに参加しました。このプログラムの目的は、現在世界が直面している様々な課題について理解していて、それらを解決しようと積極的である、国際的なユースリーダーのコミュニティーを作る事です。ハワイでの2週間では、ワークショップやディスカッション、また遠足等に参加しました。これらの経験は私たちに、今日の国際社会が取り組まなければいけない「Food」に関する問題について、他方面から深く考えさせました。どの問題点にも、様々な要因があり、とても複雑な事を知りました。たとえば、世界中の全員分の食料は生産されています。しかし、市場や交通の不足や物価の高騰、また市場の効率の悪さ等の多くの要因が食料分配には関わっています。